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Proud to be Made in the UAE
The Middle East's 1st Greetings Cards Marketplace

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Welcome to Make A Moment The Middle East's First greeting card marketplace!

Autumn in Dubai

Sep 20, 2021 / By Samuel Jones / in Ecommerce

Autumn in Dubai


Autumn, fall, El 7'areef; whatever you call it in your native tongue, it is here! Did you know that in 2021, Autumn started on Wednesday 22nd September and ends officially on Tuesday 21st December? Get settled in and start planning the material for your Dubai cards- it’s going to be a long and lovely one.


Take a look at some of our personalised greetings cards Dubai to get you into the Autumn mood:





Autumn greetings cards Dubai by our very own Droplette Design


We are in a strange position in the UAE because we watch films, TV shows and adverts that show the leaves falling and turning crisp, while we are just excited to be able to welcome temperatures that allow us to actually leave the house during the day. It is worth sending a greetings card Dubai just to celebrate that!


Indeed, if you are looking for some inspiration as to what to write in your Dubai cards for Autumn, George Eliot (aka Mary Ann Evans) has some for you: "Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." She is not the only Autumn enthusiast; as Autumn sees the second most popular holiday in the US, Halloween. Why not send a Halloween greetings card Dubai to celebrate this wonderful and spooky festival?


Halloween-themed Dubai birthday cards by our amazing Sassy Sarah


It is universally understood that Autumn/ Fall is a great time to make a fresh start. In much of the world, the leaves are falling and the cuddly evenings of watching films and munching on popcorn are on the rise. Also, we are nearing the end of 2021, a fact that inspires many of us to reflect back on the year and to feel excited for all that is to come in 2022.


While the only thing keeping our jumpers on is the AC at the moment, we can still sip on a pumpkin spice drink, snuggle up, and send cosy messages of autumnal cheer to our loved ones. Why wait for Christmas cards to show others that you care!




Dubai cards by the amazing Daniela Illustrates


As the Middle East’s first greetings card marketplace, we feel obliged to remind you that the key autumn events are still here:


International Teacher’s Day



UAE Flag Day


With our UAE greeting cards, we are making sure that you never miss a moment.


Not to mention the range of UAE birthday cards that we have to surprise your loved ones born in winter. Our muted tones for our wrapping paper isn’t bad either! Simply click ‘birthday cards Dubai’ and you will see that we have you covered.

Harriet Sawbridge

Make A Moment

September, 2021